Monday, November 7, 2011

Just another week

       It seems like school has really kicked into high gear... I am loaded down with homework, but that realization is helping me work through my procrastination because I just can't afford to procrastinate anymore. With thanksgiving coming just around the corner it feels as if the next few weeks are mid-terms. All my professors want to have tests right before the break and I have several projects that are due right before break as well.

       Last week was a blur, I had several nights that I was up till midnight and up at 6:30, but this weekend with day light savings was a blessing.

      On Saturday I helped my grandparents move from their home to a new apartment. The new apartment is beautiful but I know it is hard for them to let go of their home that they have been in for as long as I can remember. It was beautiful to see everyone pitching in to help out and I am so thankful for my Uncle who came the whole week before and my Aunt who came the Wednesday to help pack things up. They had a lot to do as my grandparents can no longer do those things. I am worried about my grandfather as his memory is really starting to slip.

I had an interview on Friday for a summer internship and I am not sure yet how it went, I should be hearing back from them in a few weeks on whether I made it to the next round of interviews or not :)

Last week there were quite a few clear nights and I got a few different opportunities to take pictures of the moon and the stars. Here are two of the ones that I thought turned out really well :D

I hope you all have a wonderful week

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